Safe Amalgam Removal
Amalgam fillings are 50% mercury, and mercury is a potent neurotoxin. Mercury vapor is released with chewing, brushing and grinding. This never stops regardless of the age of the fillings. It easily passes into your blood stream and sinuses and can be absorbed by all the organs in your body.
It’s been linked with Alzheimer’s Disease, heavy metal toxicity and autism, not to mention a host of neurological, autoimmune, and other serious disorders.
Here at Our Holistic Dentistry, We offer state-of-the-art safe removal of mercury fillings. This includes protecting patients with chelating agents, charcoal rinses, oxygen during the procedure, high speed suction and vacuum filtered air.
To protect the health of our patients, dental team, and environment, we follow strict safety protocols when removing mercury amalgam “silver” fillings.
We have been certified and accredited in the protocols designed by the IAOMT and the IABDM, organizations that support and educate biologic dentists.